Water extraction involves removing water from a certain location into another location. The goal is to move the water from within your home or residence to outside your home or residence, either directly or via a drain in a sink, tub or toilet. Water Extraction is a very important procedure for correcting cases of flooding, burst pipelines, and leaking sewage. In the event of flooding or standing water on the floor of your home or office, prompt and effective water extraction measures are imperative to reduce water damage and begin effective corrective and salvage procedures. Delay in water extraction would pose possible health hazards and lead to extensive and possibly irreparable loss of furniture, property, and even the whole house.

Emergency Water Removal

If extracting the water is required, it is important to notify all of the residents of the home, avoid touching the water or sewage with your bare skin, and if necessary, a licensed and certified water extraction company should be contacted to clean up the water or sewage. Time can play a factor in the likelihood of the recovery of hardwood floors, or the exacerbation of problems that come with flooding. The sooner the water can be extracted, the better the recovery will go, and the sooner you can restore your home to its clean condition.

The amount and rate of water intrusion into the house determine the type and size of water removal equipment to be employed. Submersible pumps, wet/dry vacuums fans, and dehumidifiers are utilized for major events. This helps to prevent secondary damage and control mold and bacterial growth. A Professional water extraction company like Southern Premium Restoration has access to substantial equipment to cover both residential and commercial water cleanup jobs.

Water Extraction Techniques

In the event of flooding or water intrusion, there are a few water removal techniques or procedures that are effective for extracting water and mitigating water damage.

What to expect from your Water Extraction Contractor:

Vacuum pumps – secondary water damage usually occur when excess water and moisture enter into permeable areas such as carpets, wooden floorboards, walls, and documents. Wet and dry vacuum pumps are used to extract excess moisture and dry affected objects. This part of the water extraction process is dependent on the amount of water to clean up.

Sump pumps – are employed when the water extraction and the affected rooms are very large. Sump pumps are used to pump water from basements, roofs and storage areas, and send them into drainage systems for easier and safer extraction. This is especially important when large rooms are flooded with large amounts of water.

In mean cases, a professional water extraction company will have an industrial system for water extraction mounted in their vehicle with plenty of pipe and hose to reach into your house from your driveway or street. Once the proper water extraction process is accomplished, the drying procedures can be completed using fans to circulate in unsaturated air, with the goal of converting the liquid water to moisture in the air. The water in the air can then be dehumidified to convert the water in the atmosphere back into liquid water that is now contained and eventually rerouted out of the house.

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